Amalgamated Security Services Limited has adopted a rigorous approach to disaster planning. We have developed a comprehensive Crisis Management and Business Continuity Plan that covers the five (5) spheres of disaster. (Refer to Disaster Planning Section – Resource Library).
We conduct both emergency and crisis drills quarterly with top management and staff in preparation for response to natural and man-made disasters.

Certified in ISO 9001:2015, ISO 18788:2015, and ANSI/ASIS PSC 1:2012, Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) embodied the enterprise risk management (ERM) strategic business discipline that supports the achievement of the organization’s objectives by addressing the full spectrum of its risks and manages the combined impact of those risks as an interrelated risk portfolio.
Amalgamated Security Services Limited employs the process of identifying and addressing methodically the potential events that represent risks to the achievement of strategic objectives, or to opportunities to gain competitive advantage.

ASSL’s risks have been classified into four main categories: strategic, operational, compliance, and reporting. These categories are based on our risk portfolio – contract signing and negotiation, execution of contractual obligations, compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and reporting results.
The strategic risks category includes risks related to acquisition and mergers and client contract signing.
The operational risks category includes risks that are associated with our daily operations and the services we provide to our clients. It also covers risks related to infrastructure such as business continuity, Information, Communication, and Technology risks, etc.
The compliance risks category includes risks associated with ethics compliance risks, health, safety, and environmental risks, and legal risks.
The reporting risks category includes the risks related to litigation and financial reporting such as fraud and error risk, management estimates assumptions risk, credit, and cash flow risk, and regulatory reporting risk.